Monday, May 14, 2012

Itchiness: Revenged For The Dead Orchid

Today I was warned by my mom.
Both of my hands are getting itchy since last night.
My eyes hurts too.
Until now the irritation I suffer like last forever.
Mom said, "You always tell me when it has already happened =(!"
huhu, sorry mak. Sometimes it is very hard to stop an obsession, weeehehehehe. By the way, the itchiness is due to the exposure to poisons and fertilizers.

It is all because of my anger to Mr.Snail who had ruined my orchids!
Don't have the heart to put the baby philaenopsis picture.
Now the vase is empty again. I mean, TOTALLY EMPTY.
Mr. Snail ate the orchid that I take care most.
Due to unsatisfaction, I kindly gave the snails (and its progeny) very delicious poison.
Furthermore, I also fertilized the rest of the orchids that survived.

On one side, I know that the baby is a deity and a healthy delicacy for the slimy snail, thats why it is the chosen one.
It is the one that I always water and fertilized and gave special space that get the best moderate sunlight.
I believed its like giving a baby a large and colorful room full with toys and air-conditioned!
She's the baby that got my limelight~

The Philaenopsis Profile
Also known as: Butterfly orchid. Moth orchid
Baby's Characteristic: Two wide lean leaves, Bold green leaves with a puncture by a pest before it is completely eaten by a snail.
Baby's Flower-Color: unable to be determined
Baby's Age: Approximately 2 months old
The family of philaenopsis...<3
Awesome Source:
Wuuuwuwuwuwu, I was so sad yesterday, mourning for the baby.
But it didn't last longer....
Because He took 1 orchid away, but He gave me 5 orchids that started to bloom, yippeee!
I'm having fun with my parents, guessing the color of the becoming flowers!! <3

NOTES: Tomorrow I'll start to poison fungus! Abah said the poison is stinky. Can't wait to smell its fume...hoho.
I'll be more deliberate since I don't want to lose my sight: Yes, my sight is slightly blurred this morning. It is scary. Alhamdulillah its getting clearer and better now.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Less than a month left!
I dont know whether they can make it or not.

owh please orchids, please bloom nicely
your new roots and lean leaves are fascinating and amazing, but pretty please.
i demand for your flowers @__@ please share me your love.

17th April 2012

dear hibiscus and bougainvillaea keep it up!